Tue 21 Jan
{{ ☼ _ Fun Sized ☀ _ASIAN Mixed ☀ __ Petite TREAT _ ☼ }} - 18
(Detroit, Novi/Farmington Hills {east} 5)
💣BBw Perfection Fetish Queen Jumbo BootyExtra Slim Waist Vixen🔥Bombshell🔥 Bbw💣💣 💣 🔥💣 Llp Action🎥 - 2 - 28
(Bronx, CrossBronx Expwy / Wakefield Area Incall)
Florida Beach Bunny is running 24/7 Specials!!! Call Now, reasonable rates!! All night!!! - 26
(Detroit, 17 & Van Dyke tech Area Tech Area)
New and Fresh ► Justice Is Served ◄ $100 HH Outcalls all Day!!!!!!! Naughty Blonde - 19
(Outcall Only Today)
**** 💯Freaky 💦💦 Juicccceee 😱 TiGht 🙊 Slurpee Queen 👑 🙌 Available Now*** - 26
(Detroit, Redford/Telegraph (catch💢speacial), Southfield / West)
~°~°~ °geORGeOuS~ °~ °~SeXy~ °~ °~ °BeAUtIFuLLy~ °~°~°AvAiLabLE. ~°~°~° - 23
✅✅ attention ALL EYES ON ME ✅✅ guarantee you won't regret seeing me (Back In NYC) IN+OUT 24/7 - 20
(Bronx, IN+OUT NYC)
22 years young! wanting to have fun, and maybe someone to spoil me. - 22
(Joplin, joplin.mo, Springfield.mo)
Earlybird Specials♡ ~$$Best Fun w/ Pretty ♡°•●~☆ SeXy☆●○•~ Blk Cutie ) ♡○•°~☆100% ☆Natural - 22
(Detroit, Dearborn incalls only 🍭🍭AVAILABLE NOW)
Monday Fun day, something for "you" for a change - 39
(Denver, DTC area near I-25 good snow drive close)
Don't Miss Out ♡ ROXI ♡ 100 $ hr. Specials ♡ Tall Hott Curvy Blond - 25
(Detroit, Farmington hills 10mi. Grandriver incall)
DONTCLICK4 disreputable girl/bestdeal* CLICK4PRICELESS realPROFESSIONAL clean RESPECTABLE enchantres - 24
(Detroit, OUTCALL ONLY no hotels and no detroit)
🎀🎀🎀 Daily Specials💋💋 Sexy Blondie Fun💋💋Available NOW ❤️❤️🌺 Unrushed - 21
(24/7 outcall + incall during hours, Ann Arbor, Central Michigan, Detroit, Downtown, Flint, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Muskegon, Saginaw, Southfield / West, Warren / Sterling Heights)
* * * Do you want to TEASED & PLEASED by a TANTILIZING TREASURE? * * * High Class - Low Rates * * * - 29
(Detroit, Novi 8mile & 275 -INCALL!)
💋 Does your girl have a headache? I don't 💋$40 Specials!!! 248-275-4537 - 26
(Detroit, 13 & Van Dyke)
347-766-0692 Cookie is NY sweetest treat just what the doctor ordered! 100 AND 150 SPECIAL - 21
ALL Day: HIGHLY REVIEWED* 5🌟ChICk!!! €V€'S HaV€n: LALA is BacK: CoM€ Get OBS€SS€SS€D W: M€!!!!! - 22
(Columbia, SUITE J😘 AS IN JACK)
@* LeT *@* Me *@* Be *@* YoUrE *@* DiRtY *@* LiTtLe *@* SeCrEt!!!! *@* (($99)) - 34
(I-25/ Arapahoe)
🌹💋🏆TOP of the LINE🌟Upscale Provider🏆💋🌹Japenese &Puerto; RIcan🌟SOFT, TIGHT,& KINKY🌟 - 24
(Columbia, Two notch upscale location)
*LATiNA & PORTUGUESE* GoddEss* thick in all the right place.. [60] [60] [60] dont miss out - 21
CaLiFoRnIA CaLeNDeR GiRL BlaZe Is BaCK ChEk 313-989-6483 - 30
(Detroit, Livonia/Redford &Farmingtn;,Southfld area)
carmel girl new pics,**LOOK at ME real 55ss or +1000% INCALLS only ( - 19
(Detroit, telegraph Plymouth)
W_A_Y_ __T_O_O_ _G__(o)_ (o)__D_ _T_O_ _M_I_S_S_ ! P E R F E C T * 10 - 22
(two notch/northeast)
________* TaKe A PeEk* @ ThE ★___MAiN ATTRACTiON___ ★ AmAZiNg __*QUALiTY PROViDER* _____ - 27
(Broad River)
Kinky Seductive College Girl with All the Right Moves ;) - 19
(Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver, Ft Collins, Pueblo, Rockies, Western Slope, 10 minutes away)
Brand New$100 SPANiSH Hottie! =MoDel=* FiRE CRACKER H0T B0DY*= SUPER N@UGHTY *) --- ((24 Hr INCALL)) - 22
(Detroit, HALL RD & Van dyke)
TOP ASIAN ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ 🍀🍀 929 888 3955 🍀🍀 ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ OUTCALL ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ - - 21
(==========OUT CALL======================, Bronx, Flushing, Queens)
SeXySeXy BlondE2 ^~ ~^~ ╠╣ E•♥•ART ~^~RACING ~^~ ╠╣ OTTIE ~^~•♥•~^ AbsoLutelY StuNNinG ===> - - 30
(Columbia, west cola)
º·○● º·○ BiG bOunCy BBW Xtra thick N juicy Looking for that Maintenance Man ● º·○● - 32
(Detroit, Oak Park (private incall))
(Outcalls 2 everywhere, Incall possible)
🍀🌹🍀🌹🍀🌹🍀🌹🍀🌹🍀 BEST INCALL 🍀🌹🍀🌹🍀🌹🍀🌹🍀🌹🍀 ASIAN BARBIE DOLL REAL PIC Pretty Lover - 24
(Clawson, Detroit, Warren / Sterling Heights)
BEAUTIFUL holiday companion * newer costumes &diploma; for massage therapy* - 27
👀New n Town. 💋§uper Grip §uper💦💦 §£θpP¥ Mmmm..👅💋DON'T MI§§ this Ebony Godde§§. £€@v!🆖 🔜⏳‼💋. - 22
(BUSH RIVER RD, Columbia)
..¸.•´ ...☻ NATIVE AMERICAN ♥...•.¸.•´( Sexy ..¸.•´ ..☻ RULE BREAKIN ♥ ..•.¸.•´ BlOND3... •.¸.•´ $80 - 24
(Columbia, Orangeburg)
NEWW IN TOWN!! beautiful slim and thick come handle it rite $$!$ & specials all night . - 21
(Columbia, two notch)
N*A*U*G*H*T*Y ★ F*R*E*A*K.... The Fetish Queen ..... KANDI!!!!! I have specials!!!
(Broad River (in/out))
THICK & CARAMEL Cutie With A Lot Of *****NEW BOOTY ***** 512- 297- 8056 For Your Nite Fantasy!! - 21
ThE❤ BLACK❤ MaRiLYn ❤Monroe Overnight Celebrity EXOTIC FREAK 👠🔐Purrrfect😻Choice🐾🐾 - 35
(Austin, Downtown, INCALLS ONLy north 35 last day here)
*`~√¡ρ Tяεα†mεη†💎DOMINican Princessⓝⓐⓤⓖⓗⓣⓨ .and SOO ready💦💦【YOUR # ❶ CHOICE】✰ - 22 - 22
(Arboretum, Austin, Austin In/Out Calls 💋ReAdY nOw💋, Downtown, North, San Marcos, South)
~~~> LOokInG FOr AlL YoUR ThICKE ChOCoLATe DrEaMS....HeRE I AM @ YOur CalL 24/7 $60 SPECIALs< - 20
(canton Incall/ outcall everywhere)
Low Low Low Specials _____ Just 4 A Limited Time _____ In Call's Only! ____ Here Till Midnight
IN&OUTCALLS; BbW MZ Thickums 66" azz One Day Only 💯💯💯 💶💶💶💶💶 - 25
(Columbia, Garners ferry rd/UPSCALE)
YouR ChOice -:¦:- GeT uR WeEk StArtEd -:¦:- WiTh A hoT & nAuGhTy MiX -:¦:- - 21
(MEtrO ArEa/MaRieTta)